I helped my father with the apple-harvest and we came up with 330 kg. However, my father said that he expects the same amount still to be on the trees. Anyways, when we buy applejuice or St?ffche next year, we can be sure that our own apples are in there. — Later that day, we went to the house of my grandmother. I basically spent all the afternoon between old books and was amazed about the richness and diversity of my grandfather’s literature collection. Especially documents and books that go back over a hundred years now captured my attention. Those are really quiet witnesses of happenings that shaped the world we live in today. — Fall has really started, no doubt about that. The clearest sign is not the colored leaves everywhere, stormy and rainy wheather, the coat you wear or whatever else. No, the number one reason for that it must be fall is that my mother made Zwiebelkuchen (onion pie) and we had Federwei?er (don’t ask me what that is in English) with it. Phantastic! From that perspective, it should be fall all year long! — Saturday night I went out with Lena, Thomas, and Ren? to meet Kai and a friend of his in a very cool lounge in Giessen called Zentralbar. Really worth going there! We had one hell of a damn good time there! Especially worth mentioning is the custom shot we were served as a specialty. Kai and Jan refused to tell us what it consisted of, and what in particular the red-shaded stuff in the middle was. The only instruction they gave was to swallow all at once, not to slick in between for that we surely would need to throw up. We did as told, and the red stuff turned out to be a teaspoon of Tabasco, swimming between one half of Sambucca (on the bottom) and one half of Tequila. Damn, how did my throat burn! Besides getting a fine and warm feeling in the stomach, and sweat shooting out of my forehead, this stuff boosted my alcohol level dramatically. Or, as Dennis would put it, I was suddenly two hours further in time. After a couple more Lichers, someone wanted to go to the worst club around, the Change. Well, nomen is sometimes omen, and therefore our mood changed into going home and leaving that terrible place after 15 minutes already. Expensive decision, since the „Extrance“ was 3.50. But I learned two lessons that evening: First, I will keep in mind this stuff we drank to offer it to my worst enemies, and second, I will never ever visit a club in Giessen just to check that everybody else is right telling that it is indeed grottenschlecht. — The result of fall and the weather that comes with it, is, that I again feel a bad cold or even flu coming up. But since I am done with the courses and ‚only‘ have to prepare for the exams, I can more or less stay in my warm chambers all day and get rid of illness sympthoms. I just bombed my body with tons of vitamins and other pills to once again dead-punch the cold. I will not start to envy people who’s trouble is to find catchy bathing-gear for the upcoming weekend, where to book diving-lessons, or haven’t seen no rain for months – nooooo! — Enough for now, take care!