my cd-changer in my car is broken! you have no idea how mad i got this weekend, having to travel 550 km without decent music! it is always amazing how aggressive you get when having to listen to permanent bullshit on the regular stations‘ broadcast. i wonder whether all these shrinks and psychotherapists have ever taken into account that somebody having gone on a rampage could have been influenced in a very negative way by simply ultra-bad broadcast music?! who wouldn’t think of a blood-spilling axe-murder after alexander, daniel k?belb?ck, 50cent, ivonne catterfeld, mandy and randy, gareth gates, oli p, and blue, just to name the greatest vacuities in terms of taste, talent, musical manner and intelligence. -i think i drifted away a little… anyways, the stupid machine is broken. and as so often in life, you only worship things when they are gone. lucky though, that there is ebay, where at least material things can be reacquired… — this week, my mission besides starting my thesis will be keeping my fingers crossed for alice, since she has the probably worst week of her academic career: it’s exam week at trinity, and she got so unlucky to have one exam today, 2 on wednesday and one on thursday. i certainly do not envy her! but i am sure she will make it – maybe not to her own satisfaction (stakes are always high, ye know?!) – but still: a pass is a pass, right?