Geschrieben in Old Blog(ger) am 5. Juli 2002 Kommentare deaktiviert
Hey people! Yesterday night we were on a nice surprise-party for Shorty because he leaves for Dubai in the Arab Emirates next week in order to support MercedesBenz down there with his crazy ideas one could also call exceptional creativity. Saskia, Alex and Antje had organized the party in the Cafe of the Platte Zaol, stole his addressbook and invited all his friends. Really cool move! I wish Shorty a fantastic time there where the oil comes out of the ground and they build hotels where one night costs more than my annual rent of the last 4 years together…. — I am packing my bags to leave to the Hesseland and stay there for the next two weeks in order to guard house, dog, grandma 1 & 2 and an exceptionally big garden. I will really miss my flatrate there, since we do not even have DSL at home…. How will I survive two weeks without permanent Internet??? Suggestions are more than welcome! — Ah, by the way: I implemented this cool commenting system from enetation. It was a lotta work though, but worth doing it. Should anyone be interested in the code of my templates, just say so and I’ll sent over a copy. — So long folx, you have means to contact me if you want to – stay in touch! N-Joy the summer!
Geschrieben in Old Blog(ger) am 2. Juli 2002 Kommentare deaktiviert
Hey people! I just viewed my logs and saw many 404’s there resulting from links that have not been updated or altered since my reboot. Due to the fact that I am currently rebuilding my picture-galleries, the old sites aren’t online anymore. Depending on how fast I can squeeze a fancy design idea out of my head, the interested visitor will soon find all creative and artistic visual output solely under — I just want to pronounce that I do not doubt the performance of our national team in the final, especially not Oliver Kahn’s. I disagree with yesterday’s Spiegel headlines accusing Kahn for bad performance leading to two goals against. Our guys did a good job in this championships! — So much for now, I have to leave to work on where the „Star“ glances. By the way, MercedesBenz is giving away free mail-accounts with 15MB space, including free SMS to everywhere, FAX, UMS, virutal drive and so on. So check it out at the MercedesBenz Portal. Sign up and everything is of course free!
Geschrieben in Old Blog(ger) am 29. Juni 2002 Kommentare deaktiviert
At work, when there is little to do, we found a new ‚gateway‘ to sneak into the Internet… So here I write again to thou, my valued audience, from my DaimlerChrysler workstation, glad that I take calls today and do not have to earn my living in the „geistigem Abseits“ entering coupons. — Andrea just came back from break and said Turkey is leading against Korea 3:2. Unbelievable! — Unbelieveable as well all that warfare going on. Israel just blew up 15 Palestinians and North-Korea opened fire on a South-Korean warship without cause. Well, of course they had cause, even if it’s just because the whole world is looking at the South. Whether motivated by deviating political philosophy or by religious matters, war is bad! Yes people, it’s indeed that easy! But especially the religious wars drive me up the palm-tree (just to combine a German saying with the English language…) When on earth will people start going in their church and let their neighbor go in another? Or -more radical- will the importance of religion and theocracy dimish so that there is room again for logical and rationale thinking? I agree with Marx: „Religion ist Opium f?r’s Volk!“ Opium is a drug, and the analogy with religion is perfect: Your mind centers around it, you become addicted to it, you live your live accordingly, you search for equals, you change yourself, and if you happen to be unlucky, you become fanatic and do things that lack a healthy brain. — I saw an Interview with Guido yesterday night. It was quite interesting how professional politicians are able to come up with complex and sound answers so quickly. The interview was also interesting qua content. Nevertheless, I still feel that this year’s fight for the sympathy of German voters will be the fiercest ever since. Ok, the FDP still believes in 18% which Guido will be trying to achieve this summer by driving through the country in his Guidomobil. Crazy people and their ways… but we will see. The big German newspaper „Die Welt“ is currently carrying out a poll on the elections. There, after 11000 users have voted, the FDP has 23.5% and are the second-largest party! Incredible…
Geschrieben in Old Blog(ger) am 26. Juni 2002 Kommentare deaktiviert
Boring: I am sitting at work, typing in stupid coupons for a A-Class lottery of MercedesBenz and could explode about the ultra-slow connection to the Internet. Every time I have to wait for a site-response, I write on this entry. — Brazil finally made it, well done. Nevertheless, I would have appreciated Turkey more for being a real underdog making it to the final! — The sun is shining outside – and I am locked up behind a Eizo 19″… Great.
Geschrieben in Old Blog(ger) am 26. Juni 2002 Kommentare deaktiviert
Hmmm, I guess I have to slightly rephrase my former statement: The Koreans did not manage to beat Rudi’s team. Well, we now have the vice-world-champion for sure. We will see who is going to be Germany’s opponent in the final. Ah, before I forget: I hereby declare that I do not support the behavior of some German buttheads that -for my taste- felt a little too much at home in Maastricht today. I also applauded to the German team for today’s achievement, but that does not mean that one as a foreigner has to setup an auto-corso through Maastricht waving the German flag and screaming „Finaaaaall???????, Finaaaaal????????“ — people, this is disgusting! — I just read Mathieu’s statement about his trouble with Marc van Wegberg and I can no other but to express my respect for speaking up. I can tell my own story about him and what procedures he believes to be of truly academic nature… I browsed through my files and will now post what actually happened in last year’s e-Commerce course „Internet Technology for International Business“. The course was easy for someone with webdesign-experience. My course-website was graded a nine, participation ten, but later revised down to 8 because the block-coordinator found that the grades were too good… (no comment!) The exam was ridiculous, resulting in an even more ridiculous comment to be found on the course-website:
„We correct for mistakes, not for differences of opinion. If you have a different opinion about something, too bad.“
-Well, I guess this wraps it up. If I look at the course-website, I gotta puke, to be honest. If I read this kind of academic statement, I gotta puke even more. Statements of this kind support my opinion that a severe „Profilneurose“ is omnipresent at the University of Maastricht. Why not simply give a good grade? Do NOT chose this course unless you are willing to take the risk of being told a total fool just because you dare to have a different opinion which might even be supported by a book other than the obliged literature….
Geschrieben in Old Blog(ger) am 24. Juni 2002 Kommentare deaktiviert
Well, well… Here we are back again with the new page! Incredible: You hook yourself up in front of your computer, you stare into Dreamweaver and Fireworks and suddenly it is 6 hours later while you have managed to do your homepage-reboot half-way. People, this is fantastic! I did this page in less than 48 hours (except for some sleep). My thanks belong to Kilian and Mathieu for putting cool sites on the web many people can learn (and steal) from, and my personal art-director Alice for disagreeing with some of my creative output… I am now testing my Blogger-enabled webfront, but up til now, I think it works out fine. Due to many complaints I received and the negative experiences I myself had with my old page I have decided to make it compatible for more screen-resolutions, even including 640×480 (not encouraging people to acutally use that – it looks really shitty, but it works though!). — 2morrow Germany will play again… Ticket or semi-finals? We will see… My guess for the final is Korea – Turkey :) — What have I left to say? -N-joy my pages, browse around and leave me a post in my guestbook! Comments and critics are welcome, but are subject to individual evaluation ;)