the latest issue of our faculty’s newspaper eloquent brought light into the dark! finally, now i know what my thesis topic will be: „what are the logistical implications if planet earth gets blown up by hostile aliens?“ -sounds strange? no, come on! we have a seriuos and well-defined problem statement, a whole bunch of corresponding sub-questions and hypotheses are imaginable, and it will truly be a work of academic importance, simply due to the fact that ‚little research has been carried out in this field‘. and actually, this is the only problem that will arise: literature research will not be an option, given the fact that at our faculty famous sci-fi epics are not regarded academic literature. i just wonder how you would carry out your empirical research. mail questionnaires to outer space? well, the response rate would surely be lower than what is regarded as statistically significant. but there’s a workaround: simply form a hypothesis questioning that there will be any impact in the first place, which can safely be rejected because of the lack of proof for probability of human-alien contact. nonono, this whole thesis bla-bla is really driving me nuts. why not stress this absurd sci-fi scenario in a proper manner and win eloquent’s creativity award, if other people are allowed to write about daddy’s mid-size enterprise’s internationalization efforts on the lofoten, or about the importance of strategic sourcing for the inbound logistic compartement for training suits of their favorite soccer club, or why miss sixty shops on the grote straat in maastricht are worse-off than in rotterdam, ororororor… grrrr! — i have overcome the gordic knot: movabletype is up and running! if you are interested, you can follow my advances here. but no laughs, it is not looking good at all, and i am also still not ready with my template. but, i will postpone all the cosmetics until after my vacation. — wer zur h?lle braucht eigentlich die biographie von schnullerbacke alex superstar? was hat der piemel denn schon gro?es zu erz?hlen? -da fand ich dieters buch literarisch wertvoll dagegen, wenigstens konnte man da mal richtig herzlich ablachen! und dann effe. b?cher, die die welt nicht braucht! und jetzt dieser heini, der die nation mit den erlebnissen aus 19 jahren misgl?ckter kindheit langweilen will. zum gl?ck ein echtes sammlerst?ck, was wohl auch nur sammler wollen werden. der k?belb?ck dagegen schie?t gleich richtig scharf: er hat seinen achselschwei? w?hrend der ganzen DSDS-zeit gesammelt und in kleine fl?schchen gef?llt. jo, und das zeug verkauft er jetzt als parfum. nagut, wann’s schee mocht…