As some of my regular visitors have probably noticed, my other/former domain was not available for at least a week. Reason was, that I switched to a new provider, and somewhere between me, my old provider and my new provider a very simple fax must have gotten lost. Since I heavily doubt that, I’d rather be so keen and assume another case of stupidity or mental challenge at least at one of the companies. Or -since we talk of German firms- a consequently unprofessional workflow. Those who have witnessed me live talking to service representatives or know my style of writing can imagine that those guys wished they had a different job during the past week.
Anyways, it’s fixed now. Nevertheless, if you visit, you will only find a ‚temporarily closed‘ banner. The reason why I did not start preparing the upcoming content is simply that until Monday I didn’t even know for sure whether my domain remains my property or will be deleted and given back to NIC. Moreover, I am currently restyling Alice’s pages and this requires a lot of time. And since time is to be regarded a scarce resource even for a student, I get tired doing 3 domains parallel pretty fast. Note that there are no changes whatsoever regarding email-adresses.
So, to sum up the whole thing:
– is back, but still awaiting transformation to my CV-page
- has been replaced by (however, for the transition time you will be redirected)
- now also contains a photoblog and up-to-date galleries for every month (more to come in the future)
- alter/adjust your bookmarks, but not the email-adresses and please DO write once in a while!
1 Kommentar zu “Finally!”
Yea I noticed the error. Glad it all got resolved. :)